Independent Sector Releases 2017 Value of Volunteer Time of $24.69 Per Hour. (WASHINGTON, April 19, 2018) – Today, Independent Sector, in partnership with IMPLAN, announces that the latest value of a volunteer hour is $24.69 – up 2.2 percent from the previous year.Apr 19, 2018.
So go figure:
200 Volunteers for 6 hour shifts at a one day event you save $29,580.
The USA Cycling Championship in Richmond had 3200 volunteers sign up for 2 – 4 hours shifts per day for 14 days. Not every volunteer signed up for all 14 days so let’s say 1600 x 8 x 14 x $24.69 saves $4,424,448. That is mind boggling. The event would have been impossible without volunteers AND without an online volunteer management program!
Why not use a volunteer program that solves the challenges of sign-ups, show-ups and retention to grow the volunteer base and keep them coming back for the experience?
Volunteers Rock!!!
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