Helping volunteering organizations with sign-ups, show-ups, and retention

Volunteers can choose their own roles, socialize with other volunteers, update their commitments and share with their social networks.

Sports – Festivals – Non Profits – Municipalities – Disasters

VoMaSmart will give you back your life.

Save 65% to 95% of volunteer managers' time

Eliminates ALL manual requirements, provides real time view of % of required roles filled, and answers all volunteer questions.

Volunteers choose their own shifts and roles

Research proves that volunteers want to choose their own shifts and roles. Volunteers can also change/cancel their commitments.

Download to Calendar

The ability for volunteers to automatically download their commitments to their calendar decreases “no shows” by 90%.

Background Screening

VoMaSmart customers will benefit by free portal setup with NCSI.


We talked to volunteer managers for large events, disasters and volunteer managers who fill daily needs 365 days a year.  We’ve asked – “what is your wish list” and then tailored our program to meet those specific needs while branding their volunteer portal with their brand.  We’ve also talked with volunteers and learned they are happiest when they can choose their own volunteer categories and socialize with other volunteers – telling their stories to people who understand and care.

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