Insights That Make An Impact

The Underdogs

If anyone has seen “Life in the Doghouse” on Netflix, then you may know who we're talking about this week. Famous for their compassion and empathy towards dogs, Danny and Ron’s Rescue is one of the best pet rescue organizations out there to date. Don’t believe me? Let...

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How To Help Yourself

If you are hosting an event, chances are you need help. Big or small, you may not have to money to hire people to help out. if that's the case, volunteers are a great way to surely make your event a success. However, recruiting and organizing volunteers can be very...

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Did Somebody Call 911?

Partners in arms, through thick and thin, there is one company that we would consider our brother. Helping us with all sorts of technical difficulties, this week's shoutout deservedly goes out to our newest equity partners: DataTech911. Throughout their company...

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Kare About Karen

If you take a stroll around Twitter these days, there's one trend that you can't help but laugh: Tropical Storm Karen. Funny and creative, the trending memes depict the Karen as the angry mom/customer crossing the Atlantic in search of the manager. While it's okay to...

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